Hope Abandon Ye Who Enter Here!!

This site has been visited times since 3/27/96.

This page last modified 10/30/01
Well, It certainly took me long enough! New pics have been added to the Hall Of Fame and more are on the way! Interested in being added? Drop me some E-Mail and let me know. There's always room for one more!
When I have a minute to spare, I Hang Out At Netcentral Chat's Thirtysomething room!

This Page Is Eternally Under Construction! Sorry about the mess!


Personal Info - Find out who I am.
Hot Links! - Check out some places I think are worth a look.
INCUBUS - What an Incubus is, and why I use this handle.
People - These are some pictures of some of the people I chat with.

Name: INCUBUS+ (My Demonic name is too hard to pronounce) DOB: The Year Of The Sheep Residence: While On Earth Contestants stay in Battle Creek, MI Employer: American Computer Services Occupation: Consultant E-Mail Address: For some other stuff you may or may not want to know about me, click Here!

The Life Of A Demon

An Incubus is a demon from ancient mythology. At night he stalks the Earth, seeking out females who are pure at heart. these women he will visit in their sleep, and have his way with them. The demon will make many visits to each of his victims, until eventually they long for his appearance. At this point, the women no longer being pure of heart, are a a prime target for bringing to his Master. His job then is to kill the woman on his next visit.

I chose this handle, not because I enjoy raping women, or because I have ever killed anyone. The main reason was that my old handle was one that was very common. I was tired of having to fight off others using similar names. I began to search for something that I thought was colorful, made a point, and, above all, was NOT common. If nothing else this handle has made for some very interesting chats!

Always trying to make sure this page loads in a hurry for everyone, I noticed that it was starting to slow down a bit. In order to help out some, I moved the list of pics you can see over to Here! Please update your bookmarks and links accordingly! Thanks!!

- Check out this site for some GREAT computer prices and more of my HTML work!

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